So, it's been a while, I know. But here it is, the long awaited blog post. I know some of you were beginning to wonder if I'd given up on this thing. I've been working on this piece for at least six to nine months for my parents. They grew up around farming and cotton fields. My mom loves vivid color--these especially. The mountains are for my dad. I will never forget on our family road trips, my dad always pointed out the mountains and talked about how breathtaking they were. The yellow trees are just for fun. Green just wouldn't work here. This piece I did with oils--many many bazillions of layers. I hope when they see this piece that they remember how much I love them and appreciate the wonderful heritage I have. I definitely learned a thing or two through this process. I wasn't prepared with a definite sketch beforehand, which definitely killed me later. I had to rework the composition a few times, but eventually it worked out ok. I love oil. It is my friend. Natural Turpenoid also became my very good companion.