Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fall has Fallen! (at least for a day or two)

Monday brought some fabulously chilly, windy, overcast weather that gave me hope that it might not be summer forever! That day Asher and I decided to make playdo pumpkins to welcome Autumn! Who says pumpkins can't be purple?

This idea, inspired by my friend Kathleen, was the easiest and most hilarious pumpkin decorating we've done. Move over, Mr. Potato Head.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Asher has become quite the helper around the house, so I started putting noodles in a jar for every time he does chores or helps (a reward system I got from my friend Jen). Once the jar was full, Asher finally received the long awaited prize--a Spiderman Bubble Pipe! This brought forth endless hours (or minutes) entertainment for him and baby sis.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Thanks to you, Linda.

Throughout my life, God has provided miracles and provisions in a million different ways. A couple of years ago, a quirky thing happened. A stranger whom I had never met, named Linda, called me and said she was an artist who no longer painted. She wanted to bring me all of her oil paints and other art supplies if I wanted them. Of course I said yes, and, as a result, I experimented with tons of colors I never would have bought. I still have all the paint, including many tubes that are so old I can't even open them (although I have tried with pliers and other various tools). But I keep them as a reminder of how God has lavished me with so many gifts I don't deserve. I may never see Linda again, but God used her to open a door for me that may have remained shut. This painting below was painted almost entirely with Linda's paints.

Thanks to you Linda, Oil on Canvas, 24" x 36"

Monday, October 1, 2007

Mini Matisse

I've recently started turning Asher loose with some paint, and he loves it!!! He gets so absorbed in creating bold brush strokes and mixing colors. This time he got to paint with Daddy... He loves watching the water turn colors when he dips his brush in it.
I'm so proud of my boys!

Girly Pants

This one we call Eden is so crazy! She makes us laugh every day with her sassiness. Almost every day I attempt to put her hair in pigtails, and every time she successfully pulls it out and thinks she is so funny! This was one of those moments...

She is growing up before our eyes.
Baby girl loves her swing!
Thanks Mimi!